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R Related Networks

Network plot Description
cran.authors cran.authors: Network of CRAN package developers. Two developers are connected if they wrote a package together. (Only largest component.)(
Plotting code
taskviews taskviews: Network of packages (blue) and tasks (red) as mentionned in Task Views A package and a task are connected if the package was mentionned in a task.
Plotting code
cran.depends cran.depends: Network of packages that depend on each-other. (Random color selection. Only largest component.)
Plotting code
cran.suggests cran.suggests: Network of packages that suggest each-other. (Random color selection. Only largest component.)
Plotting code
jss jss: Network of authors who published an article in the Journal of Statistical Software. Two authors are connected if they wrote at least one article together. (Isolates omitted. Random color selection.)
Plotting code